
Florian Nagler, Bocconi University

Campus WU Vienna D3.0.225 11:00 - 12:15

Organizer VGSF

As part of the series of the „Finance Research Seminar“, VGSF welcomes Florian Nagler from Bocconi University to present his research paper.
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A Corporate Finance View of Debt Market Illiquidity

joint with Giorgio Ottonello

We empirically study non-traded bonds (NTB). We find that NTB offerings are driven by a firm-demand channel: firms choose to issue NTB in expectation of future deleveraging needs. NTB offerings thus predict firms‘ future deleveraging activity, which happens through repurchasing NTB. We establish our findings within a stringent empirical setup where we exploit variation in repurchasing activity within firms while factoring out investor-demand shocks. Our analysis challenges the idea that illiquid assets are mainly a symptom of market frictions and shows that NTB are driven by corporate demand for financial flexibility. NTB arise as a cure to agency frictions because firms want to lock-in stable investor bases that ease repurchases. Our results have important implications for understanding illiquidity in debt markets.

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