Christian Laux

Research Interests
Financial Reporting, Financial Regulation, Financial Stability, Corporate Governance, Contract Theory
Selected Publications
Financial reporting and financial stability
- Bischof, J., Laux, C., Leuz, C. (2021): Accounting for Financial Stability: Bank Disclosure and Loss Recognition in the Financial Crisis. Journal of Financial Economics 141 (3), 1188-1217.
- Laux, C., Rauter, T. (2017): Procyclicality of US Bank Leverage. Journal of Accounting Research 55 (2), 237-273.
- Laux, C., Leuz, C. (2010): Did Fair-Value Accounting Contribute to the Financial Crisis? Journal of Economic Perspectives 24 (1), 93-118.
Laux, C., Leuz, C. (2009): The Crisis of Fair Value Accounting: Making Sense of the Recent Debate. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34 (6-7), 826-834.
Corporate governance, regulation, and financial stability
- Cziraki, P., Laux, C., Lóránth, G. (forthcoming): Understanding Bank Payouts during the Crisis of 2007-2009. Review of Corporate Finance Studies, forthcoming.
- Laux, C., Lóránth, G., Morrison, A. D. (2018): The Adverse Effect of Information on Governance and Leverage. Management Science 64 (4), 1510–1527.
Kolm, J., Laux, C. (2017): Bank Regulation, CEO Compensation, and Boards. Review of Finance 21 (5), 1901-1932.
Laux, C., Laux, V. (2009): Board Committees, CEO Compensation, and Earnings Management. The Accounting Review 84 (3), 869-891.