VGSF faculty and affiliated faculty involved in the EWFS 2023
The European Winter Finance Summit 2023 will take place in Zürs, Austria, March 19 – 22. Many VGSF faculty and affiliated faculty members are involved!
- VGSF Speaker and faculty member Josef Zechner and VGSF affiliated faculty member Rüdiger Weber (both WU) will chair the event
- VGSF affiliated faculty member Markus Parlasca (WU) is Discussant of „Dynamic Carbon Emission Management“ during Session 1: ESG
- VGSF Program Director and faculty member Alexander Mürmann (WU) will chair Session 2: Mutual Funds
- Rüdiger Weber is Discussant of „Mutual Funds‘ Fire Sales and the Real Economy: Evidence from Hurricanes“ during Session 2: Mutual Funds
- VGSF affiliated faculty member Thomas Dangl (TU Vienna) is Discussant of „Financing Cycles“ during Session 3: Corporate Finance
- VGSF faculty member Stefan Pichler (WU) chairs Session 4: Financial Intermediation
- Josef Zechner will chair Session 6: Asset pricing

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