WU Best Paper Award 2021 for Rüdiger Frey
Congratulations to VGSF faculty member Rüdiger Frey!
The WU Best Paper Award of the City of Vienna 2021 honors Rüdiger Frey (pictured), Kevin Kurt and Camilla Damian for their successful publication:
Rüdiger Frey, Kevin Kurt, Camilla Damian
How safe are European safe bonds? An analysis from the perspective of modern credit risk models
Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 119, 1-18.
Coordinated by the WWTF (Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds), their paper was judged by external reviewers to be the best paper in category 1 (quantitative-analytical or formal scientific papers) in a three-stage evaluation process.
The award ceremony will take place on November 17,2021 at 6:00 pm in the Ceremony Hall 1.

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